The Forum aimed at (1) raising global and national awareness on sustainable development challenges and the crucial role of strong global partnerships and cooperation as powerful enablers of the successful achievement of all the SDGs; (2) raising awareness of the existing European and global frameworks that are significant for sustainable urbanism and pursuing the relevant SDGs; (3) bringing the problems and prospects of the Ukrainian cities on the agenda of the EU- and national stakeholders in the sustainable development field; (4) bringing together diversity of experiences from across the globe towards cooperation for change and bringing in the element of quality improvement in all the spheres of the urban life.
The event enjoyed the kind support of participants from 9 countries and 10 Keynote Speakers from Italy, Finland, Estonia, Armenia, Germany and Ukraine, namely: MAURIZIO ARONICA, President of the Foundation for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (FFUN SDG), Ambassador of UNESCO Bologna Center, International Stakeholders Recruiter of Council of Europe; ANNIKA LINDBLOM, Director for International and EU Affairs in the Ministry of the Environment of Finland, President of the European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN); ANDRES JAADLA, Member of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Board Member of Housing Europe, Chairman of the Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations (EKYL), Vice Mayor of Rakvere City, Estonia; LUSINE FLJYAN, Vice-Rector for Education, Research and Internationalization at Northern University, Prof. Dr. at the Chair of Foreign Languages and Literature at Eurasia International University, Founder and Acting Executive Director of the “Innova” International Institute for Innovation and Excellence (Armenia); IRYNA FISHCHUK, Head of the Board of NGO “Taste Route of Prykarpattya”, Founder of Dzyga LLC; LIUDMYLA TSYGANOK, CEO of Ecobusiness Group, President of the Professional Association of Ecologists of Ukraine (PAEU); NATALIA GORDIICHUK, Managing Partner at Sustainable Strategies Institute (SSI) and UFV Consulting, Chairperson of NGO “Ukrainian Food Valley”, Owner of Agritema LLC; JAN KORTE, Urban Futurologist, Policy Officer at the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE); VIKTOR ZAGREBA, Road Safety and Sustainable Urban Mobility Consultant, Founder of Consulting Firm “Oresund” and NGO “Vision Zero”; MAKSYM KARPASH, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Co-Founder of the Science City “New Energy”.
The Forum participants discussed the pressing issues of the sustainable development of cities and communities, sustainable economic development and circular economy, education for sustainable development, as well as international cooperation and active partnership for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Forum will be held annually with the free participation of the representatives of the authorities, business, science and the public.